“I had finally been given the keys to simply be”

“I kept worrying about my “incorrect” meditation practice. I just knew I was not doing it right! This feeling remained an undercurrent — not debilitating but present — until I encountered the Joy of Living with Mingyur Rinpoche.” — Ingrid White-Wilson


Mind Was the Cause of My Panic — and the Cure

Scott Alexander Jones, a self-described “stone-cold atheist hardened against religion” finds the spiritual path through the eye-opening discoveries of science that is validating the many benefits of meditation.


Living with Panic Attacks

In my childhood, I had horrible panic attacks. I don’t know exactly what their true cause was, but I reacted to many ordinary events with terror. For example, I panicked during storms. Where I come from, there is thunder and lightning all summer long, and winter brings snowstorms.


Meditation for Anxiety

Everybody knows what it feels like to experience anxiety: the shortness of breath, racing pulse, rushing thoughts, and so on. Indeed, you may be more familiar with these sensations than you’d like to be! And by now, you have probably noticed that those with anxiety are often told to try meditation. But how does meditation work for anxiety?


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