How Meditation Transformed a Nurse’s Life – Micael Ines

“When you’re grounded amid others’ suffering, you can help them in a different way. It’s better for them—and for yourself. You’re not afraid of coming up against a person’s suffering, but you don’t merge and identify with it, so you’re free.” – Micael Inês


Benefits of Meditation – Yuki’s Story

“I have had such a different mindset since I began practicing meditation. I didn’t believe in the power of meditation at first, but now I’m amazed by it — it’s real. I’ve really come to see the benefits of meditation!” – Yuki Kameda


The Search for Natural Wellbeing

“The practice of meditation allows us to relax this misguided search for happiness in the objects of experience. It allows us to settle and connect with the unchanging peace, the natural wellbeing that is the very nature of mind itself.” – Tim Olmsted


MTP Grad: Supporting Hospice Employees

“I could see how the people at the hospice have challenges, just like others, and they don’t have access to meditation.” – Stefan Markov


Train Station: We’re All Running for Something

“Looking again at that busy train station, I can recognize that just like me, everyone who’s running around is identifying with this solid sense of self, and they’re also saying, “If I just get this one thing!” – Anya Adair


Our Unity and Uniqueness

As humans, we share so much in common, yet each of us is gifted with unique skills and talents. This is both our unity and uniqueness.


Is My Meditation Practice Improving?

It’s difficult for us to ascertain how our meditation practice is progressing but if we look outside of ourselves to how we relate to the world around us we will get some clues.


Becoming Familiar With Who We Are

Meditation helps us become more familiar with ourselves and all that is happening in our mind, leading to greater ease and contentment. As we progress, we experience both moments of clarity and increased awareness of our challenges, allowing us to respond more skillfully and live with greater openness and intention.


Caring for Tergar Canada Community

Janet Ritvo has been the backbone of Tergar Canada, its longest serving director, taking on the role of secretary and then president. She has tended to Tergar Canada as a mother would a child — with great care and perseverance, providing stability to the ups and downs that organizations commonly go through.


Sleep is a Beautiful Thing

A surgeon shares about the importance of sleep and how we can contend with sleepiness in our meditation.


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