What are you discovering with the Nectar of the Path practice?

By Tergar Meditation Community Team • 5 min read

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Vajrayana Online students share how they benefited from Nectar of the Path practice

Kelly Ekman, Summerland, Canada

. . . All of a sudden the switch flipped and I started to realize how extraordinary this practice was, and the fact that everything, everything, everything is in this practice that you could want for the rest of your life! . . .

Kelly has been practising Nectar of the Path since Mingyur Rinpoche wrote it in 2010.

Mikko Yliniemi, Oulu, Finland

What I like about this practice is that the instructions are very clear and the Tergar community offers a great support for my meditation. Thanks to Rinpoche’s style of teaching and this practice I have really started to make some small progress. I still get angry from time to time and have some problems but I have also started noticing that I don’t react immediately to everything like I used to do.

When I had a break from my practice, my relatives recommended me to continue because I am little bit more of a calm person when doing daily meditation! I am really grateful for this practice and Rinpoche’s teachings.

Mikko has been practising Nectar of the Path for about 5 months.

Olívia Niculitcheff, São Paulo, Brazil

The Nectar of the Path sadhana is simple and beautiful. Mingyur Rinpoche composed verses that go straight to the point in a way that touches me deeply, and the beauty of chanting the mantras and verses in Tibetan moves me. The Four Thoughts give me tools to view my everyday obstacles with greater wisdom.

Contemplating the Three Jewels—our masters, teachings, and community—keeps the flame of lovingly continuing practice alive, even in the most challenging times. The practice of bodhichitta reminds me to open my heart and directs my motivation. Guru Yoga connects me with devotion, humility, and mystery. All these contemplations seem to create fertile ground for simply resting in the nature of the mind. Being in silence becomes meaningful, and reciting the sadhana creates a ritual.

Olivia first connected with Nectar in 2019 and has been leading weekly Nectar of the Path practices for Tergar Brazil for more than four years.

Norman Pieniak, Bern, Switzerland

After several years of practicing ngöndro and deity practice, I started with Nectar of the Path again. This daily reminder helps me connecting with the essential aspects like the four thoughts that turn the mind but also the essence of imagination practice and guru yoga.

It helps me to experience the lightness and ease of the practice and to be inspired to return to ngöndro or White Tara practice at least once or twice a week to recognize the lightness even, or maybe especially, in these practices. And because of its shorter length, I have time to follow the online courses! 😁
Norman has been regularly practicing Nectar of the Path for the past three years.

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