Tergar Meditation Community Blog


“I had finally been given the keys to simply be”

“I kept worrying about my “incorrect” meditation practice. I just knew I was not doing it right! This feeling remained an undercurrent — not debilitating but present — until I encountered the Joy of Living with Mingyur Rinpoche.” — Ingrid White-Wilson


Latest Articles

Meditation and Buddhism

The Wisdom of Prajna

Prajna is the wisdom we cultivate through practice—it’s not something we start with but something we develop over time. Whether we seek stress relief or full awakening, prajna helps us understand our minds, emotions, and the nature of life itself, with teachings like the Abhidharma providing structured ways to deepen this insight.

compassion is good for us

How to meditate

The Science of Empathy and Compassion: More Different Than We Might Think

Shifting from empathy to compassion activates brain regions linked to positive emotions, social connection, and reward, similar to those engaged in joy or pleasure.

Mother bird shielding its young ones

How to meditate

Compassion: As Natural as Our Heartbeat

“Compassion has a support team and never stands alone. It is infused with awareness that allows our hearts to be open and steady. When we feel connected, kindness naturally arises. With wisdom, we can see what’s happening clearly; we don’t try to do the impossible but see what we can do to meet the situation.” — Myoshin Kelley



Mind Was the Cause of My Panic — and the Cure

Scott Alexander Jones, a self-described “stone-cold atheist hardened against religion” finds the spiritual path through the eye-opening discoveries of science that is validating the many benefits of meditation.


Meditation in Everyday Life

On Suffering Well: Discipline of Showing Up – Chris Pacheco

“Buddhist wisdom says that life consists of suffering, but lasting strength is found in resilience. In knowing you can handle whatever comes your way. Not because you’re invincible, but because you’ve learned how to suffer well. And suffering well begins with facing yourself, by embracing the messy yet beautifully complex aspects of being human.” – Chris Pacheco


Meditation in Everyday Life

Meditation: The Ultimate Comedy Workshop

“Whether you’re sitting on a meditation cushion or standing on a stage, the key ingredients are surprisingly similar: stay present, keep it real, and don’t forget to laugh.” – Beth Schumann Korczynski


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