Tergar Meditation Community Blog


Caring for Tergar Canada Community

Janet Ritvo has been the backbone of Tergar Canada, its longest serving director, taking on the role of secretary and then president. She has tended to Tergar Canada as a mother would a child — with great care and perseverance, providing stability to the ups and downs that organizations commonly go through.


Latest Articles

How to meditate

Sleep is a Beautiful Thing

A surgeon shares about the importance of sleep and how we can contend with sleepiness in our meditation.


How to meditate

Introducing New Awareness Yoga Sequence

The new awareness yoga sequence can be performed sitting, standing, or even reclining. Instead of starting from the crown and working down the body, the flow is reversed, beginning from the ground and integrating movements upward and outward to the extremities.

Lita Sands - Making Teachings Work in Fast-Paced Corporate Environment

Meditation in Everyday Life

Living the Teachings in a Fast-Paced Corporate Environment

Working in a fast-paced corporate environment, Lita Sands applies key Joy of Living principles to not only keep her sanity but find connection and joy.


How to meditate

Ahem… Where are the Results of My Practice?

In today’s fast-paced world, when everything is at our fingertips, we may expect immediate responses and instant results in all areas of life–including our meditation practice.


Meditation and Buddhism

The Path Is Not Linear

The Path Is Not Linear By Kasumi Kato • 5 min read SHARE: PATH OF LIBERATION 1 ONLINE RETREAT → My First Path of Liberation Retreat I was reflecting on the first time I attended a Path of Liberation retreat. It took place at St. John's University retreat in Minnesota. At that time, I had [...]



What was most memorable in the one-year Mahamudra transmission?

Vajrayana Online students share how they benefited from the 2023-2024 Tergar Lineage Transmission focused on the Tilopa’s Ganges Mahamudra


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