Tergar Meditation Community Blog

How to meditate

Taking the Right Meditation Positions

Mind and body are like a cup and water—they enrich and support one another. Sitting in meditation position, also known as meditation posture, is a practice designed specifically to stabilize your body and mind. When the body feels grounded and calm, the mind also settles. 


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How to meditate

How to Meditate As a Beginner

Have you heard about the benefits of meditation and would like to give it a try, but aren’t sure how to begin? We’ve got you covered! It’s easier than you might think. As renowned meditation teacher Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche says, meditation, for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, is all about awareness, which is already with you all the time.


Benefits of Meditation

Dealing with Loneliness

If we’re coping with a heavy, complicated problem, we’re often too busy to feel lonely. But sometimes, loneliness itself becomes our major problem. What’s happening is that our monkey mind is zooming in on the feeling, exaggerating it. Sometimes we think, “I don’t really have any good friends,” when what we really mean is we do, but they’re not around, or we don’t feel connected to them at that moment. Sometimes we think, “Oh, I don’t want to be around other people,” and we isolate ourselves. Later on, when our mood has shifted and we want company, we forget that we ourselves created that environment, and we feel lonely.


Meditation in Everyday Life

Self-Created Suffering

“…the source of the distress is coming from your own mind. You’re the one beating yourself over the head. The good news is, this means you also have the power to stop!”

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Meditation in Everyday Life

The Benefits of Formal Meditation

“Fifteen or twenty minutes of formal, seated meditation a day to anchor and develop your practice, and then – since you can’t always be sitting on a cushion in a nice quiet room — plenty of informal meditation throughout the day. Repeat as necessary…ideally, throughout your life!”


Benefits of Meditation

Preventing Conflict in a Group

If you have more than one person in a room, you’ve automatically got more than one set of  opinions and ideas there, too. And, generally speaking, you’re in a room full of folks secretly thinking that their ideas are best of the lot.

When Should I Say No

Benefits of Meditation

When Should I Say No?

A typical dilemma among meditators goes something like this: “Love and compassion is my practice, so if someone really needs help, I should jump in. But so many people need help, so much of the time — how can I possibly say yes to everybody without getting completely depleted?” For practitioners who strive to be altruistic and generous, it’s a common concern. 

How to Have Healthy Relationships

Meditation in Everyday Life

4 Ways To Have Healthy Relationships, Part 2 – Tergar

As we know, personal relationships can get stuck in an unhealthy pattern. Someone raises their voice in anger at you, and even though you don’t want to, you react by lashing out with cruel words. Of course, you want to change this reaction. To do this, you need to rely on the basic practices of awareness, love and compassion, and wisdom. 

How to Prevent Burnout

Meditation in Everyday Life

How to Avoid Burnout

Deadlines, competition, pressure — the concept of “burnout” to describe a sense of nervous exhaustion has been around since the 70’s, but never has the feeling of burnout been as prevalent as it is these days. In a situation that’s demanding too much of us, it’s natural to experience burnout. Still, there are certainly a few things we can keep in mind.


Meditation in Everyday Life

4 Ways to Have Healthy Relationships

In my tradition, we believe that with any type of relationship — between friends, family, teacher and student, or even the relationship between yourself and the society you live in — there are four points that need to be considered, sometimes called “the four enlightened activities.” These consist of peaceful activity, enriching activity, magnetizing activity, and powerful activity. All of them hinge on interdependence.


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